We finally sent our paperwork (Dossier) the end of June... It was so hard to actually hand our Dossier to the FedEx lady... we worked so long and hard on each and every document... there was a small sense of anxiety in handing it to another human being to care for it... even if it was to just ship it to Austin, Tx.
Each document is now going through the certification/authentication & translation step. We can expect a phone call from CAN's 1-3 months from now, telling us that a referral is being sent to us (via email). This referral is the photo and information/history sheet on the children that Haiti has paired us up with... It goes without saying that we are SUPER excited and can't wait to get that phone call.
The thought of bringing our children home and starting our lives with our forever family is far beyond any words we can use. We are watching.... waiting... praying... and loving them already!