Wednesday, April 25, 2012

News from the adoption front!

We are 25 sleeps away from stepping back on a plane and flying to Haiti to see our girls and we could not be more excited.  We have 6 1/2 wonderful days to play, snuggle, bond and love on our daughters!  My mom, sister and our dear friend Liz are all going with us this trip and that adds a special excitment!  We are in the shopping and packing process!  I am loving buying new clothes for my girls to take with us...  this is the most amazing gift I've ever been given~  I love being their Mom. 

On April 10, 2012 our Dossier was presented and accepted into IBESR-(Haiti Social Service Dept).  This step for us is HUGE and should take no more than two months, if they stay true to their word.  We have many steps after this one, but it's progress at this point~ we will take what we can get!  We still have no idea when we will be making that final trip to Haiti to pick up our daughters and bring them home...  but we know God's timing is still perfect...  so we wait!

On Sunday April 22, 2012~ Darren was given the awesome opportunity to share his testimony (our testimony) about our adoption with the congretation at the Celebration Center in Fort Fairfield.  What an amazingly beautiful testimony my husband gave.  I could not have been more proud of him.  It was such a God thing for Darren to do this... you see, public speaking is NOT his comfort zone.  This sharing of our adoption story/journey was simply direct obedience to what the Lord had placed on Darren's heart.  The congretation at CC embraced us in such a special way and made us feel so welcome and supported.  They prayed over us and took up a love offering- that totaled a staggering amount that still has us in awe.  God does things like that though...  He gives and goes beyond ...... 

News from Angie the missionary at Maison today...  Neffy is struggling with boundaries in school and Angie is asking us to be praying for her.  Sheldine is doing great in pre-k.  I guess this is the beginning of worrying about our kids....  extra prayers...  wanting to make things better for them...  It's so hard to be so far away from her...  maybe she just needs her Mamma & Pappa.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Wait.....

We are about 40 day's until our next trip to see our girls... it's been almost 2 months since we've seen them... and the grief, pain, loneliness and sadness has not gotten any better... only worse...
This morning on my way to work, I was talking to God and all but begged Him to move... to show us give us something... And like the good and loving Father He is, good news came through today. We received news this afternoon that have entered IBESR....(and on Grammy Joanie's Birthday!) This is a huge step in the whole process in Haiti and we are thrilled! Celebration tonight included Subway and Fox Family Chips!!! What a good feeling I have in my of hope and joy... I am rejoicing tonight that we are one step closer to bringing our daughters home!