Sunday, December 9, 2012

The end is in sight...

Two weeks (or so) ago, we received a call from our adoption agency that our adoption decrees were done..  thereby leagally finalizing our adoption... in Haiti...  we are now moving onto the passport & visa steps to bring the girls home. ...  the question we get now... "when do you go get them?"... (which really isn't much different than the questions we were getting)--  we still have no idea when... these final steps can move quickly or they can move slowly....just like this whole entire process....  our obvious prayer is that their passports and visa's will manifest with such speed and accuracy that it will blow everyone's the glory of God.... BUT.. I was reminded last night in service that God does not use my watch or calendar in His working....  and when those documents come about... the timing will be perfect....

We have a copy of Nephtalie's adoption decree,but have not yet received Sheldine's... The absence of Sheldine's decree is causing some anxiety in both Darren and I...  we have been told it's done and there are no issues... just the simple matter that the lawyer in Haiti has not delivered a copy to the orphanage for them to scan and email it to us....  seems simple enough... but as we have learned through this whole process...NOTHING is simple in Haiti...NOTHING makes sense and it has really stretched our faith and patience...  I guess that is part of God preparing us for parenthood... 

 Seeing Neffy's name listed on that official Haitian Adoption Decree as Nephtalie Condon...  has brought on a sence of urgency to my heart... I am officially a Mom...  at the age of 42...after years and years of longing... praying.. hoping and "letting go" of the dream to have children...  I am a MOM!  All of a sudden the realness of this journey is staring me in the face... I've had to remind myself to exhale .... Very soon... Very Very Very soon... I find myself walking into their rooms... looking at their beds, with new eyes..... kneeling in the middle of their floor to pray... praying new prayers... I have known all along that God would complete the good work he began... because that is His promise to me...  but the tide has shifted...  with that one document... our world has changed...  Darren is legally a Pappa...  He has two daughters...  and I am legally a Momma...  the responsiblity of it all is heavy... real and so wonderful.....  We long to get Sheldine's see that with our eyes... but again...  this journey has been about walking by faith and not by sight!

We are hoping to have our passports by the end of the year...  we know and have been told that is a bit unrealistic and a long shot... passports are taking awhile......  BUT GOD.....  We will still pray and believe that it can and will happen...  praying and hoping...that in a couple short months... we will be booking our tickets to Haiti... to bring our girls home...