I can not even begin to tell you how amazing my kids are....I can't believe they have been home here in America for 8 weeks... we were in the Miami airport this time 8 weeks ago awaiting our Boston flight.... so surreal still!
The things I have learned or observed in these last 8 weeks....
1. Exhaustion can bring you to tears.
2. Two kids will add triple the laundry.
3. It truly DOES take a village to raise a kid!
4. I have the most amazing friends and family in the entire world... I already knew this... but it's been a strong and constant reminder these last 8 weeks.
5. Poop can be exciting.
6. Back To School is SCARY and EXCITING all at the same time.
7. My kids are tough as nails.
8. Sheldine is one of the funniest kids I've ever met!
9. Neffy is super independent and is not wavering at bit!
10. School supplies are indeed expensive- but fun to shop for.
11. Structure/Routine and a Schedule are vital to my sanity.
12. Discipline is EXHAUSTING.
13. Did I mention anything about EXHAUSTION?
14. I might need to stop dressing my daughters alike... everyone thinks they are twins....
15. I love how excited Neffy get's when she helps Popa bring in the veggies from the garden... it's awesome!
16. I've learned to roll with the punches more... some days... it's just how it goes.
17. Neffy might be addicted to asking for medication... since Sheldine's surgery- and seeing her take Tylenol for her discomfort... she continually has something that "hurts"... GEESH!
18. I've wondered these last 8 weeks if we are on the right track with the girls... and if the bonding/attaching is happening... asked myself..."do they love me?"... well... if anyone read my face book post from this morning (8/16/13)... THEY DO!...
19. I think we are ready for a date night... we might be looking for a babysitter... any takers?
20. I CAN do all things through Christ who is my strength!
21. Nick Jr is your friend.
22. I have a low tolerance level for whinning.
23. I never expected to miss Haiti... but I do.
24. back to back surgeries - 1 Kid/1 Cat...NOT a good idea!
25. Neffy has the most amazing smile when she just let's it come naturally.
26. If you stand your ground... even if they are speaking Creole... you will still be the winner!
27. I love how Sheldine has developed her own little "goodnight kiss" routine... both cheeks/forehead/lips and chin... it takes forever... but so worth it!
28. Neffy's bedtime request... "uub me back"... has gone from 5 minutes to literally 45 seconds... and it's off to sleepytime!
29. My sister does make the best chicken pot pie in the world!
30. Having our support system of family & friends totally on board with us..... with everything to foods we allow or don't allow... to discipline... to boundaries and rules... is a priceless gift and very appreciated!
As I look back over the last 8 weeks... and ponder all that my kids have done...they are doing SO much better than we expected... all to the glory of the Lord!