It has been four months and 2 day's since we arrived at Presque Isle Airport as a family of four! WOW... time flies!
The girls are doing so well, and we are still in awe that they are here and our family is complete. God is so good! He set this into motion long long ago... and He was faithful to complete the good good work. I could never look at one of my daughters faces and have one tiny speck of doubt in my heart that God is real, or that He cares about me.... What a gift !
Neffy is such a wild and crazy girl... full of life and such a free-spirit! She is bound for Drama Team I am sure of it! She loves to color and draw and is very, very smart! She is parasite free and over-all a very healthy little girl! She love to help out with anything you will let her do and LOVES to work in the garden with Popa. She has a beautiful little singing voice and when I hear her singing songs to Jesus- it's all I can do to keep from weeping.... I think that somewhere in Haiti - there is a birth family that is missing this... that grieves me- but by God's amazing design, Darren and I get to witness her growing-learning-blossoming.... I'm blessed!
Sheldine is such a sweet and gentle little girl... OH, don't get me wrong, she can get cray cray too.... but she is just softer and quieter in her spirit. She is cookey and funny! OH MY GOSH is she funny! She loves to sing and dance too... She just loves to push her barbies around the house in their little Barbie Convertible... it doesn't even have to be Barbie herself in the car... sometimes she'll put a big baby doll in the car... all hanging out the sides... and vroom vroom... around the house they go! The other day she had Grandma laughing so hard because she had her mittens talking to each other!!! Funny kid! She is parasite free and had to have only minor surgery upon arriving home and is healed very well! I am so thankful that the girls are healthy!!!
We have had our challenges, and expect we will for the rest of their lives... raising kids is the BEST and the HARDEST job right? We take it one day at a time... tap into our resources and reach out to our support circle when we need to... pray God's hand on our family and seek His face for guidance in this whole new chapter... We are tried.... overwhelmed... exhausted... but so blessed... and filled with complete and pure joy with all God has given us... He wants to give us the desires of our hearts... and for all of my adult life... being a Mother was one of the deepest desires of my heart... it's amazing!
All to the glory of my King!
I am missing Haiti & Maison (the orphanage). We spent three different weeks over there in the course of our adoption process and even though the time there was brief... you can't go and not leave a piece of yourself there... and a part of my heart remains in Haiti. Pray for Haiti...