Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Journey Begins

We finally got to the point where we were ready to mail in our initial application, and after 2 weeks of holding our breath... Children of All Nations accepted us as new clients... Our first order of business is to read and sign the 18 page contract/agreement and mail in our agreement fee of $2588.00. IF... we get this postmarked by Sept. 3-- we will save $100 off that fee!!! I LOVE DISCOUNTS!!!! In our adoption fund we have about $300 more than we need for this first payment... and from the information that has been fed to us from a wonderful lady named Lily at CAN's... our next payment of $2200.00 plus $1500.00 for the Dossier Service is due in about 2 months---the 3rd payment of $2588.00 is due about 7 months after this one - this should be about the completion of our Dossier... during this 7 months we'll have a home study done, estimated cost of $1500.00, fingerprints done in Portland, collection of all the documents they require (and pay out of pocket any expense it requires to obtain these documents).... And then the near $5000 we have to pay after we are paired up and accept our child, to the Haitian Gov. And the 3 payments of $300 that we will need to send to the orphanage to care for our child until we are cleared to fly to Haiti to pick up our son or daughter.... Toss in travel expenses, immunizations, extra unforseen expenses--- this is all VERY overwhelming... I was reminded today of these truths... He thought of me as He was on the cross... He knows my name... my life... and the plans He has for me... and the same is true for Darren. We can cling to and hold onto the promises of His word.... He will NEVER leave us, nor forsake us. We can have peace that surpasses ALL understanding through Him. And we are called to "walk by faith, not by sight"... We serve a good God..... and He is bigger than all these dollar amounts...

We are so blow away by the out pouring of support from our family and friends.... emotional, prayer & financial... it's so overwhelming!!! We are in the midst of a journey that we never ever expected and it's been over the top amazing!!! We both know this will be a great growing and learning experience for us as a couple and as individuals.... We would greatly appreciate your ongoing prayers as we move forward... God Bless!

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