Sunday, May 19, 2013

52 Things Kids need from a Mom

I had purchased a book a few weeks ago... written by Angela Thomas and titled "52 Things Kids Need from a Mom"... they have one for Dad's and Darren read that about a year ago... and loved it!  In light of the recent AMAZING progress in  our adoption journey... and with the thought that my daughters might be home in as soon as 5 weeks (ish)... I figured it a good time to read this in-lightening book and get some good "mom advice" before my world is turned up-side-down. 

Chapter 1~ To Pray in Secret with the Door Open
This chapter speaks about how we so strive to be picture perfect sometimes... and life is just not that way... our homes are turned backwards and torn apart... we are exhausted from work/school/meal time/bath time/homework time/bed time/errands/housework and then some...  how do we fit in the quiet time with the Lord that we used to cherish before we had kids?... Don't we still need that?.. YES... we sure do!  Even more so... to be filled by God's word and His amazing presence... to sit still and listen to His voice... Tell me - mothers out there reading...  does this picture of your "devotional time" look different than it did before you had kids?...  In the book the author talks about how she strived to have that same picture perfect quiet time and it just never happened...  and one day... as her 4 children were sitting down to watch a video...she went into her bedroom... sat on the floor with her to read her bible for a moment... then she stretched out... facedown on the carpet and began to pray... with her bedroom door OPEN!  Her children came searching for her...  long story short... they asked her what she was doing and in a quite voice she simply told them she was praying....  they crawled on her...laid on top of her...sat next to her and prayed too...
Come to Me messy.
Come when you're tired.
Let the children lie on top of you.
Let them interrupt you.
You do not have to be perfect... just come to Me and let them see.

This very first chapter... I believe and hope and pray... will be imbedded into my mind and heart as I open this home to my daughters... we will be busy... full... tired... weary... excited... laughing...crying... and REAL...  I pray I can be the kind of mother that let's them see....

Chapter Two~~Kids Need Their Mom... To never stop touching them
Simple...  this chapter talks about affection... touching them every day... in a loving-encouraging and un-conditional-love you madly way... I want my girls to know how deeply I love them... how safe they are with us... how much we desire good things for them and want them to feel our love always...

You are home.
You are safe.
You are accepted.
You are welcomed.
You are celebrated.


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