Saturday, September 24, 2011

Time & Money

As we share the awesome news about where we are in this whole journey.. the news of our girls waiting for us in Haiti... I find that two questions I get asked the most are, "how much more time?" and "How much more money?"...two very tough questions to answer!
As far as the timeline we are looking at.. there are so many unknowns and so much that is out of our hands. BUT- we know who's hands things lay in! Our Dossier is current still in our agency's office getting translated. On June 24th we mailed our Dossier to Children of All Nations. Our Dossier has gone through the certification process and is now in translation- upon completion of translation, it will go to the Haitian Consulate (state side) for authentication- back to CAN's for them to organize it and forward it to the IBESR in Haiti (social services). On August 3rd we received the referral call/email and were given two weeks to make our decision. We actually knew in our hearts that who ever was on the other side of that email- well, they were our kids! August 16th- referral acceptance and referral payment sent to Children of All Nations. It is hard not to be frustrated by the length of time it's taken our Dossier to even leave the states... we still do not know how much longer it will take for this to happen. After our Dossier get's to the IBESR... we are unsure of how long it takes at that point for us to be cleared and invited to travel to meet our girls. There is so much of his journey that we "walk by faith & not by sight"... actually... ALL of this journey is by faith... We have photo's of our girls... videos we have seen... and here we are... miles and miles and miles away from them.... longing to be with them... This is HARD!
For the financial side of the adoption... we still have a long ways to go! Our next payment will be due in November - $1800.00 - that is just the living expense of the girls that we agree to pay. We will pay $1800 every three months until we bring them home. This money goes directly to the orphanage for our girls! There are document fees coming up that we have no idea when they will become due- and those are going to total roughly $5000.00. (court documents and their passports).... Plus travel expenses for at least two trips to Haiti. We have to stay in a hotel that will run us $150 per night... pay for food, airfare, immunizations before we go..etc... Again, this walk has been fully by faith and not by sight. If I go with what I can see... we won't make it.... when I look back at how far we have come in this last year... I'm amazed !!! Every deadline for payment sake-- we have had in our adoption account exactly what we needed... When we mailed our referral acceptance payment... we were back to about $110 in our account... we are doing fund-raisers galore to help this account grow. We have been so blessed! It's amazing how our friends, family, church and communtity have come around us in support... emotional support, financial support and covering us in prayer! We are humbled and eternally grateful!
Currently we are doing the bottle drive. We have an account at the PI Redemption Center- "Condon Adoption".
October 7th - Scentsy Party @ my sisters house in Fort Fairfield- Consultant Ashley Dyer is donating part of her commission off this party directly to our adoption fund! THANKS Ashley
Thirty-one Gifts- On August 1st - I took on a second job selling for the company Thirty-one Gifts. I a doing this as a way to generate a second income to help aid our adoption. If you are intested in placing an order, you can go to my website or if you want to host a party... give me a call! 554-7399
And if you feel in your heart to just simply give- we have linked a paypal donate button right at the top of our blog page!
With so many unknown day's ahead in this journey... we look to Him daily to give us the strength, patience and endurance we need to just make it to the next day! What a gift this journe is... even in the trying times... the emotional times... the sad and heartbreaking times.... it's still a joy and a blessing... on the other side... our forever family !!!

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