Thursday, October 24, 2013

4 months and counting.....

It has been four months and 2 day's since we arrived at Presque Isle Airport as a family of four!  WOW... time flies! 

The girls are doing so well, and we are still in awe that they are here and our family is complete.  God is so good!  He set this into motion long long ago...  and He was faithful to complete the good good work.  I could never look at one of my daughters faces and have one tiny speck of doubt in my heart that God is real, or that He cares about me....    What a gift ! 

Neffy is such a wild and crazy girl... full of life and such a free-spirit!   She is bound for Drama Team I am sure of it!  She loves to color and draw and is very, very smart!  She is parasite free and over-all a very healthy little girl!  She love to help out with anything you will let her do and LOVES to work in the garden with Popa.  She has a beautiful little singing voice and when I hear her singing songs to Jesus- it's all I can do to keep from weeping....   I think that somewhere in Haiti - there is a birth family that is missing this...  that grieves me- but by God's amazing design, Darren and I get to witness her growing-learning-blossoming....  I'm blessed!

Sheldine is such a sweet and gentle little girl... OH, don't get me wrong, she can get cray cray too.... but she is just softer and quieter in her spirit.  She is cookey and funny!  OH MY GOSH is she funny!  She loves to sing and dance too...   She just loves to push her barbies around the house in their little Barbie Convertible...  it doesn't even have to be Barbie herself in the car... sometimes she'll put a big baby doll in the car... all hanging out the sides... and vroom vroom... around the house they go!  The other day she had Grandma laughing so hard because she had her mittens talking to each other!!!  Funny kid!  She is parasite free and had to have only minor surgery upon arriving home and is healed very well! I am so thankful that the girls are healthy!!!

We have had our challenges, and expect we will for the rest of their lives...  raising kids is the BEST and the HARDEST job right?  We take it one day at a time...  tap into our resources and reach out to our support circle when we need to...  pray God's hand on our family and seek His face for guidance in this whole new chapter...  We are tried.... overwhelmed... exhausted... but so blessed... and filled with complete and pure joy with all God has given us...   He wants to give us the desires of our hearts...  and for all of my adult life... being a Mother was one of the deepest desires of my heart... it's amazing!

All to the glory of my King!

I am missing Haiti & Maison (the orphanage).  We spent three different weeks over there in the course of our adoption process and even though the time there was brief... you can't go and not leave a piece of yourself there... and a part of my heart remains in Haiti.   Pray for Haiti...

Friday, August 16, 2013

8 Weeks Home....

I can not even begin to tell you how amazing my kids are....I can't believe they have been home here in America for 8 weeks...  we were in the Miami airport this time 8 weeks ago awaiting our Boston flight....  so surreal still!

The things I have learned or observed in these last 8 weeks....

1.  Exhaustion can bring you to tears.
2.  Two kids will add triple the laundry.
3.  It truly DOES take a village to raise a kid!
4.  I have the most amazing friends and family in the entire world... I already knew this... but it's been a strong and constant reminder these last 8 weeks.
5.  Poop can be exciting.
6.  Back To School is SCARY and EXCITING all at the same time.
7.  My kids are tough as nails.
8.  Sheldine is  one of the funniest kids I've ever met!
9.  Neffy is super independent and is not wavering at bit!
10.  School supplies are indeed expensive- but fun to shop for.
11.  Structure/Routine and a Schedule are vital to my sanity.
12.  Discipline is EXHAUSTING.
13.  Did I mention anything about EXHAUSTION?
14.  I might need to stop dressing my daughters alike... everyone thinks they are twins....
15.  I love how excited Neffy get's when she helps Popa bring in the veggies from the garden... it's awesome!
16.  I've learned to roll with the punches more...  some days... it's just how it goes.
17.  Neffy might be addicted to asking for medication... since Sheldine's surgery- and seeing her take Tylenol for her discomfort...  she continually has something that "hurts"...  GEESH!
18.  I've wondered these last 8 weeks if we are on the right track with the girls... and if the bonding/attaching is happening... asked myself..."do they love me?"...  well... if anyone read my face book post from this morning  (8/16/13)...  THEY DO!... 
19.  I think we are ready for a date night...  we might be looking for a babysitter... any takers?
20.  I CAN do all things through Christ who is my strength!
21.  Nick Jr is your friend.
22.  I have a low tolerance level for whinning.
23.  I never expected to miss Haiti... but I do.
24.  back to back surgeries - 1 Kid/1 Cat...NOT a good idea!
25.  Neffy has the most amazing smile when she just let's it come naturally.
26.  If you stand your ground... even if they are speaking Creole... you will still be the winner!
27.  I love how Sheldine has developed her own little "goodnight kiss" routine...  both cheeks/forehead/lips and chin...  it takes forever... but so worth it!
28.  Neffy's bedtime request... "uub me back"... has gone from 5 minutes to literally 45 seconds... and it's off to sleepytime!
29.  My sister does make the best chicken pot pie in the world!
30.  Having our support system of family & friends totally on board with us..... with everything to foods we allow or don't allow...  to discipline...  to boundaries and rules... is a priceless gift and very appreciated!

As I look back over the last 8 weeks... and ponder all that my kids have done...they are doing SO much better than we expected...  all to the glory of the Lord!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

2 Weeks at HOME

I guess I should change the title of my blog from "Journey to Parenthood"... to something like... "HOLY SMOKES... I'M TIRED"...  ha ha ha....

Two weeks ago at this very moment... we had just walked through our front door with our daughters.  It's still very surreal.  I can't believe they are home.  What an amazing journey the Lord has had us on these last three years!  And to think that it finally ended up that Darren and I are actually parents....  WOW.....   We knew this was the ultimate goal and was God's promise to us.  But it's still so overwhelming to us that it's come full circle.  It might take months for it to fully sink in for us.  There are moments that I think this is a dream or the girls are here for a visit and I have to remind myself that this is real.  We are a family and I have two beautiful daughters.  All legal... signed... sealed... and delivered!  BOY... GOD IS GOOD!

These last two weeks have been filled with tears of joy and tears of frustration.  It's been beautifully difficult.  Overall the girls are doing very well!  We have done more in these last two weeks than we expected we would do, and the girls are adjusting fairly well.  We have realized how vital and important 'cacooning' is with the girls and everyone has been so understanding and supportive!  Our family and friends have really rallied around us to help us in anyway they can and we are so appreciative!!  We are working on everything from table manners to boundaries and discipline.  The language barrier is difficult at times, but they are doing so well with learning and are such smart girls!  We are so very proud!  T

I think back over these last three years of waiting and it really does just melt away when you find yourself at your "gottcha day"....  ours was June 17th!!!!  I know we will have challenges, we already do.  But with hard work, understanding, prayer and the Lord.  We will be just fine!  After all...  God does not make mistakes and my family was fashioned by His hand!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A journey about to change directions.....

After three years of waiting...  of paperwork... raisers... hugs... long talks with dear friends...crying on those same shoulders...  two trips to Haiti... planning and preparing... packing and bonding...  We finally see the light at the end of our tunnel...   Our daughters Visa's will be applied for on June 17th at 8:00am in Port-au-Prince, Haiti...  by the end of that week, they will be ready to leave to come home...  We are going to bring our daughters home...  

When I opened that very special email with this most amazing news...  I think my blood pressure shot up to a very dangerous level...(I think it still might be there!)...  my body began to go numb and my head started to tingle...  my breath got shallow...  OH MY GOSH...  it's finally happening...  after all this time...  my kids are coming home!  My bosses son-in-law was standing by my desk, so he was the first one to know... what a blessing to have such an amazing family to work for... what a blessing it is to have the family... group of friends... and church family ...  such love and support... much celebration went on today... pure - genuine - joy and celebration was surrounding us today.....I am not sure it's fully sunk in yet....  I am overjoyed to the point of no return!!!! 

We are hoping to fly out of Presque Isle on Father's Day... and arriving in Haiti the day after... we will spend a few day's in country with our girls... we need to give them time to get reacquainted with us... (we have not seen them for over a year).  We will fly home that next weekend!!!! 

 God is good... amazing and so faithful!!!  As I reflect on these last three years... I am in awe of how God was our strength...(just like He promises!)...  He sustained us... (just like He promises to!).  He provided all our needs... (just like He promises!).  Why do we doubt... He is amazing!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

52 Things Kids need from a Mom

I had purchased a book a few weeks ago... written by Angela Thomas and titled "52 Things Kids Need from a Mom"... they have one for Dad's and Darren read that about a year ago... and loved it!  In light of the recent AMAZING progress in  our adoption journey... and with the thought that my daughters might be home in as soon as 5 weeks (ish)... I figured it a good time to read this in-lightening book and get some good "mom advice" before my world is turned up-side-down. 

Chapter 1~ To Pray in Secret with the Door Open
This chapter speaks about how we so strive to be picture perfect sometimes... and life is just not that way... our homes are turned backwards and torn apart... we are exhausted from work/school/meal time/bath time/homework time/bed time/errands/housework and then some...  how do we fit in the quiet time with the Lord that we used to cherish before we had kids?... Don't we still need that?.. YES... we sure do!  Even more so... to be filled by God's word and His amazing presence... to sit still and listen to His voice... Tell me - mothers out there reading...  does this picture of your "devotional time" look different than it did before you had kids?...  In the book the author talks about how she strived to have that same picture perfect quiet time and it just never happened...  and one day... as her 4 children were sitting down to watch a video...she went into her bedroom... sat on the floor with her to read her bible for a moment... then she stretched out... facedown on the carpet and began to pray... with her bedroom door OPEN!  Her children came searching for her...  long story short... they asked her what she was doing and in a quite voice she simply told them she was praying....  they crawled on her...laid on top of her...sat next to her and prayed too...
Come to Me messy.
Come when you're tired.
Let the children lie on top of you.
Let them interrupt you.
You do not have to be perfect... just come to Me and let them see.

This very first chapter... I believe and hope and pray... will be imbedded into my mind and heart as I open this home to my daughters... we will be busy... full... tired... weary... excited... laughing...crying... and REAL...  I pray I can be the kind of mother that let's them see....

Chapter Two~~Kids Need Their Mom... To never stop touching them
Simple...  this chapter talks about affection... touching them every day... in a loving-encouraging and un-conditional-love you madly way... I want my girls to know how deeply I love them... how safe they are with us... how much we desire good things for them and want them to feel our love always...

You are home.
You are safe.
You are accepted.
You are welcomed.
You are celebrated.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

This is the moment that my heart became a "Mommy's heart"... that my world turned upside down and I fell head over heels for two little beautiful girls from Haiti that God hand-picked for me... I still find myself awestruck that God gave these girls to me... ME!  I am to be their mother.... this moment in my life was the most amazing, breathtaking and beautiful moment I think I will ever experience....  I remember every detail of that moment... it's as if the world stopped and it was just Darren and I... meeting our girls...What a gift this moment in time will always be for me..... I am guessing it would be just like the moment in a hospital room when a mother gives birth and the doctor places that newborn baby in her arms...  so overwhelming...  so beautiful...

it's been a very long three years in this adoption journey...  my heart has taken a beaten... I have tolerated more anguish than I thought I could...  more tears have flowed from my eyes than I thought I even had in me...  I have been prayed for...prayed over... encouraged... hugged and held by many...  God has taught me more than I expected and stretched me beyond what I thought I could handle....God has revealed to me the kind of husband I have... given me a deeper appreciation for Darren and a stronger love......God has so blessed me in this waiting...   today is Mothers Day... my daughters are in Haiti still and it's been a very bittersweet day... aaahhh, but I am blessed....  cards came in the mail... text message started this morning... and face book message have made me weep...I am blessed... beyond measure!  God has used so many people today to remind me I'm not forgotten... I am not alone... and that I am loved!!!   I think about next Mothers Day... knowing my girls will be here with me that day... and day dreaming about how that will be... (I've already put in my request with Papa... BREAKFAST IN BED!!!) 

I think about all the mothers in my life...  from my own Mom.. who is so loving, giving, caring and kind... who has turned from Mother to best friend... I think of my sister... my pal... my buddy... my right arm... what in the world would I do without the two of you!!!   My Grandmothers--- missing them so much today... all the wisdom they shared by just being Mom's...  by loving me unconditionally and speaking into my life when I needed it... All my faith-sisters... who walk in realness... humility... and honesty about their journey of motherhood--... all the aunts, friends, mothers of friends, mother-in-law, sisters-in-laws, adoptive mothers that are my new sisters...bosses, co-workers...phew... I know a lot of mothers... and I'm so grateful to have a piece of each of you to carry with me as I prepare to enter into this new journey of motherhood.... thank you!  We need each other... to love, encourage, listen, share life with... I look forward to doing what you all have done for me...  I look forward to pouring my motherhood journey with whomever God brings into my path....

I have also been thinking of the birth mothers...these two faceless women that gave birth to my daughters... we may never meet, but we will always be connected...  my heart is heavy for them... someone looses... and someone gains... I pray they will have a life of blessings.. that they will know, deep in their hearts that their daughters are ok..... if we never meet...  I pray God fills them with this knowledge...

SO... Happy Mother's Day to me...  it's been a quiet, reflective day ... filled with beauty, tears, sweet and kind words and well wishes...prayers... and a turkey burger from Ruby's!  Somewhere in PAP, Haiti are my sweet Sheldine & Nephtalie... Manmi (Mommy) loves you

Saturday, April 13, 2013

What have you learned?....

I was just asked this week, what our greatest lesson was that we are taking out of this adoption journey....  hummmmm...  the thing that came to mind first was the lesson of patience...  I would like to hope that all this waiting will help us be really patient parents to Sheldine & Neffy.  And for all those parents out there, I am sure you can relate...  parenting takes patience...

 Another thing I've learned is how to even greater lean on the Lord... He truly is our source of everything!  Without the Lord in our lives and at the center of this journey... we would have been so lost.  The Lord has surrounded us with such a wonderful support system... blessed us financially and grounded us in our relationship with Him in ways we never expected. 

And yet another thing I've learned during this adoption journey, is how much I really do love my husband.  I've learned what an incrediable person he is... and have seen into the future to what kind of Dad he will be to our daughters.  I am so blessed to have such an amazing person to share this life with.... and for those that know our "history"... that is a wonderful revalation and a testimony to God's grace and mercy!

AND THEN...  as I shared some of these things with the person that challanged me by this question...  they shared something with me...  that really changed some of my thinking...  When we know without a doubt we are walking in God's will for our lives... but things are not panning out how we expect...or as quickly as we think they should... or as we face heartbreaks on that path God has us on...  we need to rejoice!  Walk in joy... knowing that God is doing things that we can not see... or understand... and might never understand this side of heaven...  this was such an eye opening statement to me...  we know without a doubt that Sheldine & Nephtalie will come home someday... and that God will complete the good work he began... but this road has had many heartaches and heartbreakes...  have we always rejoiced?... Nope...we have failed in that department at times... we are so grateful and thankful that God chose us to be the parents of these two amazing little girls...  this has been the hardest journey either me or Darren has been on... but God has never left us... never forsaken us... and we need to change our heart attitude and just rejoice in where He has us... open ourselves up to what He's teaching us... and know that He's got this!  I walk in joy...  my arms hurt ... I want to hold my girls again... I want to have them home with us where we KNOW they belong... but I do not want that outside of God's perfect will and perfect timing...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

When it RAINS it POURS!!!!

We have all heard that phrase...  and typically when someone tosses this out it's not for a good reason... Typically it's being used because life is throwing too many difficult or laboring things in our path...  I am using this phrase tonight because, in the last week...  in all of it's highs and lows... God has been raining down blessings ...  and blessings..... and blessings...  pouring them down on us!!!  So tonight, I'm choosing to use this phrase for good! 

Sunday was my adoption shower... titled "Princess Party"...  OH MY GOSH...  it was so awesome...  so much love, joy, fellowship, laughter, tears, gifts, blessings, friends, family, kids...  it was AMAZING....   We had two car loads of gifts and an abundance of gift cards and cash to tuck away....  SO... "when it rains it pours"...  BLESSINGS!  I will never forget that day .... I will never forget the kind words... the hugs... the tears...  the excitment that was overwhelming !!!  I finally.... at 41 1/2 years old... I had my baby shower!!!!

THEN...  we find out that Neffy's passport is ready...  after some confusion and upset over a list of documents we were told that each girls file still needed...  a long talk with our agency cleared up some of our intense fears...  it's not as bad as we thought...  We are hopeful and prayerful that Sheldine's passport will come any day now...  and that the couple of standard doucments that are still needed will come quickly too...

So I leave you with this......

When it rains it pours!  Thank You Jesus! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

*** sigh ***

Another week gone... No passports! 

Not sure how much more this Papa and Mamma can take...  we are feeling so lost... clinging to the slight bit of rope we have left...  praying that God will move whatever mountain is in the way and bring this family together, once and for all!  We are holding on to the promise that God gave us over three years ago that adopting from Haiti was exactly how He planned for Darren and I to have children... we know this in our heads... and in our hearts...   This family WILL come together... our girls WILL come home...  Father help us hold on!

So...  Update...

I spoke to our adoption agency on Thursday evening... no real movement in our process...  We still wait to have Sheldine & Nephtalie's passports issued...  They were applied for on Jan 3rd...  so we wait...  

Friday, January 18, 2013

New Mommy Anxiety

As we close in on this final leg of our adoption journey, I find myself a little anxious abut that change in our lives.  We will officially be the sole caregivers for these two amazing little Haitian beauties.  We will officially be a mommy & daddy... we have waited for so long for this day,  and to see it approaching on the horizon brings a new flood of fears, worries, anxieties and emotions. 

This journey has been such a horribly beautiful- raw and emotional- painful and over the top joyful journey that I wouldn't change.... and it's all about to turn around and become a reality that I sure hope we are ready for.   In our hearts- we are ready... In our home- we are ready...  We have talked and talked... asked and asked... read and researched.... to the best of our ability, we are ready.... right?...  (insert a small amount of anxiousness here).  We have such an amazing supportive family and group of friends.... such a circle of love around us ... and with God at the center of our family, I know we will overcome...  right?... (insert another bit of fear and worry)... We love these girls and feel like we've always known them... but the reality is, we have spent little time with them... and them with us... (another does of anxiety here)...  will they bond quickly?... will they feel safe and secure in their new home with their forever Mommy & Daddy?... I have to believe that God - our ever faithful father is working that out for us, even now... right?  And then there is the worry about their health coming home... their eating habits... new food.. new faces... new places...  they live in an orphanage in a third world country ---  they don't see much else other than the other orphans and the staff... inside the concrete cinder block walls of Maison..... very few times in their lives have they been outside those walls.....will they be totally overwhelmed to the point of breaking?...  We know they will have times of saddness for their friends they have left beind... please God help us handle those times well... much to think about and fret about... and plan for ... and work out... and dream about....  My thoughts make me tired someday's.... And now the nesting has kicked in!!!!  I am organizing and sorting and cleaning out ...  won't be much time for that later when we are knee deep in princess tea parties and barbie dolls... right? 

I heard Joyce Myer make this comment this morning....  "you have everything you already need to be victorious"....  how true is that...  Does't the Word promise that we are MORE than overcomers in Christ...  and that we can do ALL things through Christ who is our strength...  and God promises to NEVER leave nor forsake us...   those are the promises that I cover these fears/worries and anxious thoughts with.... please continue to pray for us as we approach this beautiful pivotal point in our journey...  pray we will have great wisdom and make the right decisions as we transition our girls to their forever home.