Dear Family & Friends....
Thought it was time to update you all on the progress of our Haitian Adoption. We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support we have received and are so blessed to have an amazing circle of family & friends!!! We thank you all for your ongoing love, support and prayers!
We have submitted our 1st document mailer and will begin working on our Dossier. That is the step they call the "paper chase". The deadline for us to have our Dossier into Children of All Nations is 6/28/11. Our first and immediate need is the funds to get our home study completed. There are many steps and things we can not do without an approved home study. When we mailed our 1st scheduled document mailer we needed to submit our next payment of $2200.00 and only by the grace of God did we have almost exactly what we needed!! Our adoption fund is now back to about $100.00 and we need at least $1500 for the home study. We know God will provide!! The Dossier is much more extensive than we originally thought- but we will do what needs to be done to bring this dream to completion!!
We do have some fund raising events planned over the next couple of months and look forward to watching God bless those as only He can!!! If you are interested in any of the upcoming fund raising events, feel free to email me or call me at 554-7399.
James 1:27
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father mans caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
Blessings to you all!
Darren & Shelly Condon
Thinking of you two! Were you able to complete the homestudy? Where are you at in terms of fundraising?