Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mommy Blogger Fail

OK... How can it be that I have not blogged since MAY!

 Could it be we are just barely getting by... by the skin of our teeth?  (never did understand that saying)...  Could it be we are STILL in survival mode?...  Could it be that by the time the girls go to bed each night at 7:25 ... that we too drop into bed fully exhausted ?? Maybe it's because we are running on empty most day's.... SURE!   Could it be that we are in our 40's ... parenting two very active 7 year old girls ....YUP... we are TIRED...  my blog suffers!  Our day's are full of discipline... sassy talk... tears... barbies... stuffed animals... Nick Jr...... discipline... discipline... and more discipline...  the structure and boundaries we still need to enforce are exhausting!

 To my very minimal circle of followers (of which I am eternally grateful for your following)... I am sorry!

Our girls have been home for almost a year and 5 months!  Geesh!  I vividly remember our first trip to Haiti to meet the girls... and now they are home... crazy!

There are times that we are all sitting down to dinner together, and I look at them and tears fill my sleepy eyes because I am still in awe over the fact they are here with us.  Still... it amazes me still.... God is good!

Sheldine and Neffy are  thriving and growing and learning so much.  Neffy is so smart it astounds us... and sometimes not "smart" in a good way..   (internally laughing... externally crying)...  she is smart... sassy... fierce... creative... imaginative.... high high HIGH energy... and just over all a joy to be around... but boy oh boy... is she a smarty pants... Now... Sheldine... she is a bundle of sweetness...(most day's)...  she continues to keep us in stitches... she is funny without even trying... she is creative and smart... funny and loving... she is my snuggle bug... Neffy likes the concept of snuggling...but does not like to sit still long enough to snuggle.. how different they are... what a gift and miracle they are.

We are excited to share our 2nd Christmas Season together as a family and continue to secure our foundation of family with the girls... continue to grow and deepen our bonds and our family traditions...  oh how I love the holidays!

God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yay! I'm so glad you shared an update. Without facebook, I've missed hearing about your life and your girls. In fact, I was just thinking about you lately...and wondering how y'all were doing. (And wondering if you were enjoying the snow...?) Love you, friend. Carley
