Thursday, June 7, 2012

Things I've learned since trip #2 to Haiti

Back from our second trip to Haiti to spend a week with our beautiful daughters...  reflecting on the new things I've learned --  comments I feel need to be made... and just stuff to get off my heavy hearted chest

1.  The 2nd trip is harder than the 1st.
2.  I can miss someone so badly it physically hurts
3.  My capacity to love another human being goes so much deeper than I ever expected.
4.  Just because you don't share the same "family blood line" does not make you family. I knew this going in.... but it's becoming more and more evident the further into this journey we get... not just our daughters... but the amazing new friends we've met...  they are my family!
5.  I am scared of lizards and my girls think it's funny.
6.  doing laundry can make you cry... washing the girls laundry after coming home has been BRUTAL!
7.  Everyone at Maison... from the kids~nannies~Miss Angie~staff... they are a family!!!
8.  Sheldine loves Coke from Haiti... and Papa loves to give it to her at 8pm at night!  With a chaser of M&M's... NO PAPA!
9.  Neffy is the coolest kid I've ever met.
10.  Kelly Chambley is AWESOME!
11.  Tessa Kanz is my new BFF and her sister Grace is a talented seamstress and Ian is a sweetie pie.  Their parents are pretty awesome too! 
12.  The families, friends & kids we spent the week with on the May Bonding Trip are some of the most amazing people I've ever had the joy, blessing and honor of meeting... 
13. Traveling to Haiti is an extreme adventure... not to be entered into lightly... and I'm so proud of my Mom for braving the journey and coming out a ROCK STAR!!!  Love you mom
14.  My sister Tania has such a servants heart and it was amazing to see how God used her during our time in love on Sheldine & Neffy's "family".
15.  Liz Andretta is truely gifted... Thank you my friend!
16.  My Darren is head - over- heels in love with his daughters... watching him with them spark a deeper and new found love in my heart for my husband.
17.  Sheldine might be a quiet and reserved little girl.. but we shall not let that fool us... she is a goof ball!!!
18.  you can never have too many photo's of your kids!
19.  Pepto-Bismol in the airport is EXPENSIVE!
20.  Next trip to Haiti...  can not come soon enough!

This Mamma is missing her girls more than she can describe...  it's an ache and longing that I've never felt before... one day at a time... someday the Lord will bring this full circle for us and we will celebrate at all the wonders of His hand!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there friend...sending hugs....I know how it feels and it really doesn't get easier does it? I miss them all so much too!!!
